Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 20, 2022 19:15:48 GMT -5
This is a game that I used to play with my dad when I was younger. I thought I would try out a pilot episode here to see how it goes..
This game is based on the Battleship board game where you try to sink the other players ships..
I need two to try out this pilot please.
Thank you very much.
Post by basketball32 on Sept 20, 2022 19:27:56 GMT -5
I’ll try.
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 20, 2022 19:31:19 GMT -5
Thank you Raymond... Just need one more player
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 22, 2022 6:33:39 GMT -5
Bump for one player please
Post by nelson21 on Sept 22, 2022 14:48:10 GMT -5
I'll play
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 22, 2022 19:14:06 GMT -5
Thank you Nels... We will start shortly.
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 22, 2022 19:16:56 GMT -5
Rich Fields: Today one of theses two players can win $ 25,000 as we play (Audience says) And now here is your host of Battleship. Mr. Chris Chambers (Audience claps as I come through the doors) Thank you Rich Fields and thank you Stereo audience. Welcome to the pilot episode of Battleship.. Depending on how this goes, I would like to make this into a series.. This is the game where sinking your opponents ships can win you $ 25,000!! Lets meet our players today. First up we have Mr. Raymond Weaver (Audience claps!!!) Raymond, if you don't mind please tell us where you are from and what you do for a living.
Post by basketball32 on Sept 22, 2022 19:44:15 GMT -5
I’m from Virginia Beach, Virginia and I work at a bagel shop.
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 22, 2022 19:52:51 GMT -5
How is the weather in Virginia Beach Virginia this time of year?
Post by basketball32 on Sept 22, 2022 20:01:42 GMT -5
to make a long story short, it was in the mid 90’s today and suppose to be 69 tomorrow
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 22, 2022 20:11:25 GMT -5
That is typical September weather..
First day of Fall and it was in the 60s here this morning and around lunch time it was in the 90s..
Thank you again for being here today and good luck to you.
Your challenger today is Mr. Nels Snesrud..
(Audience claps!!)
Nels, if you don't mind please tell us where you are from and what you do for a living.
Post by nelson21 on Sept 23, 2022 12:54:52 GMT -5
I'm from Minneapolis Minnesota I'm a cashier at target in my spare time I like to bowl
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 23, 2022 14:01:08 GMT -5
Nels.. Do you bowl any leagues this fall and what is your high game?
Post by nelson21 on Sept 23, 2022 17:18:30 GMT -5
My high game is 214 We just started leagues
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 23, 2022 17:39:43 GMT -5
That is very good. I remember when I was younger, I used to bowl in leagues all the time.. There one Saturday, I would bowl 3 games in the morning then I would take a break for lunch and then go back in the afternoon and bowl three more games. I still have my bowling ball and my trophies.. But since I am working full time now, I don't have much spare time any more. (Some audience members groans) (Some audience members laugh) Let's see if we can bowl you way to $ 25,000. Thank you again for being here today.. Nels, I also want to say thanks again for your help a few weeks ago in my test bonus round. Good luck again to the both of you. In front of you, both of you have a standard Battle Ship Board.. picture uploadAs you can tell it has 100 spaces. You will also see a list of ships and the number of holds that each ship has. The object of the game is to sink all five of your opponents ships.. The player that sinks all five of the opponents ships wins the game and moves on to the bonus round at a chance at $ 25,000 (audience claps!!) I need both of you to please PM me where you would like to place your five ships on your game board.. You can place them any where on your board either going across or up and down (For Example: Carrier A 6 TO E 6 , Submarine C 8, C9) Once both of you have PM your placement of all five ships, we will get started
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 24, 2022 7:49:19 GMT -5
Thank you Raymond.. Once Nels has PM his placement of ships we will get stated.
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 24, 2022 11:21:01 GMT -5
Thank you Nels.
Since both players have played their ships it is time to get started. Good luck again to the both of you.
For each HIT that you make, I will make the square RED and you will get too pick again.. For each MISS that you make, I will make the square BLUE and your challenger will get to pick.. For each ship that you SINK --- I will give you 1 point.. ---I will color the squares GREEN ---I will announce what ship it was ---You will get to pick again
--- I will remove that ship from the list (That way you won't sink it again). If you can sink all 5 of you opponents ships, you will win the game and move onto the bonus round where you can win $ 25,000!!!! (audience claps!!!) You will have 24 hours to announce your pick(s) in the forums... If you don't reply with in 24 hours, your opponent will be allowed TWO picks.. For your first pick, you are allowed to give me 5 letters and numbers. I suggest you spread them around.. (Like A6 , E 8, G 9, D 2, F 10) Raymond will give me his 5 picks in the forums, I will tell you if there are any HITS OR MISSES. Then Nels will give me his 5 picks in the forums... Once you have given me your 5 picks, I will tell you if there are any HITS OR MISSES. After Nels makes his five picks we will go back to Raymond.
After that, you are allowed to give me only 1 letter and 1 number at a time.. (Unless you miss the deadline) Raymond since you have signed up first, you get to start us off..
Raymond you have until 11:25 AM CST on Sunday to give me your first 5 picks. Where you think Nels put his ships?
Also you do not need to give me the name of the ships.. Just the letter and number..
Post by basketball32 on Sept 24, 2022 11:55:18 GMT -5
A5, C3, F2, H7, B5
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 24, 2022 14:17:00 GMT -5
Thank you Raymond.. Let's see how you did. **DING** **DING** **BUZZER** **DING** **BUZZER** Good job Raymond. You made 3 hits!!!!!! (audience claps!!!) Nels, it is now your turn to give me your first 5 picks.. Where do you think Raymond put his ships? I need your first five picks by 2:20 PM CST on Sunday in the forums..
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 25, 2022 19:44:12 GMT -5
(Buzzer sounds) Nels, I am sorry that sounds means that you are out of time. (Audience says AWWW!!) After the first five sets of picks, Raymond has 3 hits and Nels has 0 hits... Raymond, that means control goes back to you. Before we move on, I need to remind both of you of a couple of things ----You are allowed only 1 pick the rest of the game (Unless you make a hit, sink a ship, or miss the deadline). If you miss the deadline, the other player will be allowed two free picks plus the one for each round... That will be a total of three.. ----- If you make a HIT, you will be able to pick again... ----- If you sink the ship, I will make the boxes green and you will be able to pick again.. ----- If you make a Miss, the other player will get to pick (Unless you have at least one hit that is good then you will pick again). Raymond, since Nels messed the deadline, you are allowed 3 picks. Raymond, you can pick any 3 letters and numbers that you wish. Also remember, the ships will either go across or up and down. Raymond your 3 picks are due by 7:45 PM CST on Monday
Post by basketball32 on Sept 25, 2022 20:41:25 GMT -5
H6, C4, B2
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 25, 2022 21:02:07 GMT -5
Let's see how you did ** Hit** **Miss** **Miss** Good job Raymond, you made one hit.. Before we move on, I need to make a correction. On your first five picks, you said C3 as one of your picks.. The judges just informed me that C 3 was a miss and not an HIT. Here is what I am going to do... Since you got one hit (H 6) and I missed mark C 3, I am going to allow you to pick 2 picks and not 1 pick. I am sorry about that. Here is the correct board. Raymond you next pick (s) is due by 9 : 05 PM CST on Monday ETA:: This is why we do a test pilot to work out the kinks and stuff
Post by basketball32 on Sept 26, 2022 4:12:25 GMT -5
H5 and A6
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 26, 2022 6:46:07 GMT -5
Let's see how you did **DING** **DING** 2 Hits.. (audience claps!!!) . Raymond since you got a hit you keep control... Raymond from here on out it is now only 1 pick unless Nels misses the deadline. Raymond you next single pick is due by 6: 45 AM CST on Tuesday
Post by basketball32 on Sept 26, 2022 8:48:13 GMT -5
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 26, 2022 19:22:39 GMT -5
Let's see how you did **DING** Another hit.. (Audience claps!!!) Raymond, you have not sunk any ships yet but you are getting close to the Carrier.. Which way did Nels put that Carrier? Raymond, your next single pick is due by 7:25 PM CST ON Tuesday
Post by basketball32 on Sept 26, 2022 20:09:39 GMT -5
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 26, 2022 20:13:49 GMT -5
Is H3 an HIT? God job Raymond.. You sank Nels Carrier.. Those boxes turn green and I have remove that from your list. Since you sank an ship. You get to pick again. Next pick needed by 8:15 PM CST on Tuesday
Post by basketball32 on Sept 26, 2022 20:28:04 GMT -5
Post by EaglesWings1975a on Sept 26, 2022 20:36:44 GMT -5
Is A7 an Hit? **Ding** You just sunk Nels' Cruiser (Audience claps!!) You have sunk 2 of Nels ship. Raymond next pick due by 8:35 PM CST on Tuesday