Post by koopakid17 on Jul 12, 2018 11:54:21 GMT -5
The Ninth.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 12, 2018 18:41:00 GMT -5
No -- he was The Eighth Doctor. Obviously, I couldn't use this question on my other show with "Numbers" in the title. (scattered laughter from crowd) Greg, it's on you now. Roll the dice or pass? (audience shouts suggestions)
Post by palmer7 on Jul 12, 2018 22:27:16 GMT -5
Kevin, they're all yours.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 13, 2018 6:41:28 GMT -5
Kevin, he's challenging you. Can you roll a 4 and claim victory. (Kevin rolls) Wow -- another 9. If it's not your lucky number outside of here, it is now. (drum beats; cha-ching)Since you've already got the 9, we add $375 to the pot. $4000 and change plus more -- all could be won with this next question. Danny Aiello, Danny DeVito or Danny Thomas. Which Danny played the "Papa" in Madonna's video for "Papa Don't Preach"? 91 palmer7 22 koopakid17 70 random.org (Greg buzzes in) Greg?
Post by palmer7 on Jul 13, 2018 10:34:34 GMT -5
Danny Aiello.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 13, 2018 20:30:58 GMT -5
That's the right Danny. (audience applause) Greg, since this game's lasting longer than usual, there's something I should point out. If the tacky buzzer sounds and no one has rolled a 4 or another 7 in this game, the player who controls more lucky numbers wins this final game, the pot, the cash awards from the controlled numbers -- and the match. Right now, Greg, you have that edge -- three lucky numbers to Kevin's oft-rolled number 9. Then again, one roll of a 4 or another 7 changes the whole complexion of the game. Might mean the match to someone. So -- roll or pass the dice? (audience shouts suggestions)
Post by palmer7 on Jul 14, 2018 1:00:56 GMT -5
Playing the odds, I'll pass.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 14, 2018 10:00:27 GMT -5
(scattered cheers) Passing the dice to Kevin. Kevin, need a 4 to win a lot of money. A 7 gives Greg the lead. (Kevin rolls) It's a 6. Greg *had* control of that 6 -- but now... (ding)...that $300 prize belongs to you, Kevin. On to our next question. True or false: Hugh Beaumont played the dad on "Leave It to Beaver" -- and was an ordained minister. 92 palmer7 29 koopakid17 39 random.org (Kevin buzzes in) Kevin?
Post by koopakid17 on Jul 14, 2018 10:25:10 GMT -5
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 14, 2018 20:20:57 GMT -5
It is true. (audience applause) Kevin, the potential match-winning decision is on you. Roll -- or pass?
Post by koopakid17 on Jul 14, 2018 20:26:51 GMT -5
Here you go, Greg.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 15, 2018 7:19:43 GMT -5
Such a giving soul. Greg, avoid that 7. You really want that 4. (audience cheers as...) (Greg rolls) And it's a *double* 4. Finally the 8 belongs to someone. (ding)$300 for you, Greg. Next question. Chubby Checker had a number one hit in 1960 with "The Twist". When it was re-released, did it hit number one in 1962; yes or no? 95 palmer7 93 koopakid17 98 random.org (Greg buzzes in) Greg?
Post by palmer7 on Jul 15, 2018 15:53:35 GMT -5
It most certainly did.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 15, 2018 19:41:41 GMT -5
We'll take that as a "yes" -- and you are most certainly right. (audience applause) The big decision's your, Greg. Roll -- or pass? (audience shouts suggestions)
Post by palmer7 on Jul 15, 2018 20:59:36 GMT -5
I've got more money, more to lose. Kevin, roll.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 16, 2018 6:32:01 GMT -5
Dice are your, Kevin. Can you win it here or does the game go on? (audience cheers as...) (Greg rolls) Game goes on with another 8. Greg *had* that... (ding) ...now it's yours, Kevin. Next query. Tempestt Bledsoe, Lisa Bonet or Keshia Knight Pulliam. Which actress hosted a short-lived talk show? 98 palmer7 45 koopakid17 20 random.org (Kevin buzzes in) Kevin?
Post by koopakid17 on Jul 16, 2018 11:59:19 GMT -5
Lisa Bonet.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 16, 2018 19:25:47 GMT -5
Probably the most logical choice -- given her high profile romance with Lenny Kravitz. But Tempestt Bledsoe had that short-lived talk show. (scattered groans) Greg, roll the dice or pass? (audience shouts suggestions)
Post by palmer7 on Jul 16, 2018 23:53:09 GMT -5
Kevin, roll that seven!
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 17, 2018 6:27:43 GMT -5
Kevin -- dice are yours. Will we get a winner here? (audience cheers as...) (Kevin rolls) Ten. Another steal of a lucky number. (ding) Greg had control of that number. Kevin, that number's now yours. *Still* looking for a winner as we move on to this. Fort Wayne, Lafayette or Muncie. Which Indiana city is nicknamed "Star City"? 99 palmer7 41 koopakid17 22 random.org (Kevin buzzes in) Kevin?
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 17, 2018 19:05:54 GMT -5
(Bump for Kevin.)
Post by koopakid17 on Jul 17, 2018 19:07:16 GMT -5
Fort Wayne.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 17, 2018 19:34:53 GMT -5
No -- 'fraid it's Lafayette that's also known as Star City. Also where Drew Brees played college football at Purdue -- as did Jim Everett. Greg, roll 'em or pass 'em? (audience shouts suggestions)
Post by palmer7 on Jul 17, 2018 20:05:12 GMT -5
I don't want to roll a 7. Kevin, they're yours.
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 18, 2018 6:09:38 GMT -5
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 18, 2018 19:46:43 GMT -5
(more cheers)Kevin won all the games in the match -- so obviously he's going to the main event. As we crunch the final numbers, Greg, I'm going to make an executive decision. For making this last game exciting -- and for taking over for the champ -- we're going to put $1000 in your bank. (more cheers)So $1000 plus fine parting gifts and all this applause are yours, Greg Palmer. (more cheers)Kevin, as for you, $8975. To think -- one more wild roll and you would've had over 9000. (scattered laughter from crowd) Oh, you don't have that clip in the control room. Maybe that's a blessing. You'll be going for lots of cash and a new set of wheels in the main event -- after this. (commercial cue plays; audience applauds)
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 18, 2018 20:07:44 GMT -5
(ASB cue plays; audience applause)And we're back with Lucky Numbers. Kevin Kolsen's our new champion. He banked an impressive $8975. (audience cheers)Greg kept trying to knock you out -- but that 7 would never come up. You've persevered -- and now you're in our main event. Here's how it works. In the main games, we attached cash awards to most of the lucky numbers. But here in the main event, we attach to all our lucky numbers halves of three different medals -- gold, silver and bronze. Each half medal is hiding behind one of those lucky numbers. To collect half a medal, all you have to do is have a roll equal a lucky number. Now, let us show you those half medals. (reveal sfx)There they are. Rolls of 6 and 8 will give you the bronze medal. Roll a 5 and 9 and you collect the silver medal. And to capture the gold medal, the hardest to collect, you'll need rolls of 4 and 10. Now, let's cover them back up. (prize music plays)Kevin, when you put together a particular medal, you may trade that medal in for a prize. The music's kicking in. Bill, I gather you'd like to take it from here. Bill: I sure can, Doug. Kevin, you needed some smarts in the main games. So, the prizes in this main event are all about smarts -- and we'll start off with a smart robot.Put the bronze medal together -- and you'll receive the Jibo Robot Voice Command Smart Assistant and Speaker. Jibo has advanced facial and voice recognition technology -- which allows him to interact with 16 different people and help him create personalized experiences with them. This prize is valued at $700. (audience applause)Put the silver medal together -- and we'll help you become a smart shopper -- with a cash award of $5000. (audience cheers)Finally, put the gold medal together -- and you'll smartly trade it in for a new SMART CAR! (audience cheers)The innovative compact SmartCar gets an amazing 45 miles to the gallon -- and it's valued at $17,350.So far, the main event is valued at $23,050. (audience cheers)Thanks, Bill. Kevin, if you collect all three medals, you'll have the robot, $5000, the SmartCar *and* our bonus jackpot currently worth... (drum beats; cha-ching) (audience cheers)....$75,000! Some final notes. Each wild roll of 2, 3, 11 or 12 adds $5000 to the pot *and* allows you to take any half medal you haven't claimed -- except for the one remaining half medal. When your down to one lucky number, you'll have as many as five rolls to collect that last half medal on a *natural* roll. So if you can clean house, you'll win no less than $98,050 in cash and merchandise. (audience cheers)Finally, you evaded those sevens after we entered the danger zone in the last game. You want to avoid them here. First roll of 7 in the main event puts you in the danger zone; once there, anything and everything you've earned in this main event is at risk. The next roll of 7 means you lose everything except the $8975 you won in the match. Any questions, Kevin?
Post by koopakid17 on Jul 18, 2018 22:32:01 GMT -5
No, sir. Let's play!
Post by dougmorrisontheair on Jul 19, 2018 19:52:17 GMT -5
Then I wish you good luck -- and go get 'em. (audience cheers as...) (Kevin rolls) (chimes; audience cheers) Hey now! Wild roll off the bat. Bonus jackpot's already up to $80,000. Kevin, you may turn this roll of 3 into any lucky number up there. Which one? (audience shouts suggestions)
Post by koopakid17 on Jul 19, 2018 20:36:29 GMT -5
10, please.