Post by williamlow31 on May 4, 2019 12:04:59 GMT -5
R for Rick
Post by romnserg on May 4, 2019 12:16:03 GMT -5
ME: 2 Rs are good enough to take the lead! (Ding) (Ding)SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][R][S][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][-][S][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP; Increase: +72%. Value: Final Spin ($1,750). Total: $3,010 per letter. You need at least $11,720 to defeat Kevin, and you have $6,020. What would be now? S of Solve or P of Pass? Kevin: $0 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $6,020
Post by williamlow31 on May 5, 2019 7:12:19 GMT -5
Unless I know the 2nd and 3rd words, it's a pass
Post by romnserg on May 5, 2019 7:19:42 GMT -5
ME: All right, I think I would prefer an "Manual Pass", rather than an "Automatic Pass". With all that said, let's move on to Kevin. I need a letter for $1,750 plus anything from the "Smash Time Warp". Kevin: $0 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $6,020
Post by koopakid17 on May 5, 2019 10:15:00 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on May 5, 2019 11:59:18 GMT -5
ME: Just 1 S right here. (Ding)SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][-][S][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP; Increase: +58%. Value: Final Spin ($1,750). Total: $2,765 per letter. You have $2,765 for that S. What it's gonna be? Spin or Solve? Kevin: $2,765 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $6,020
Post by koopakid17 on May 5, 2019 14:53:32 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on May 5, 2019 15:00:36 GMT -5
ME: I knew what you were going to say. So, David, back to you with another letter. Kevin: $2,765 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $6,020
Post by gameboy2000 on May 5, 2019 15:05:23 GMT -5
Is there an N?
Post by romnserg on May 5, 2019 15:11:36 GMT -5
ME: Believe it or not. There isn't any of them! (Buzz)SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP; Increase: +71%. Value: Final Spin ($1,750). Total: $2,992 per letter. We go back to William. Kevin: $2,765 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $6,020
Post by williamlow31 on May 5, 2019 21:01:57 GMT -5
L for lemur
Post by romnserg on May 6, 2019 0:46:05 GMT -5
ME: Well Done, William! You've got 4 Ls! (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP; Increase: +89%. Value: Final Spin ($1,750). Total: $3,307 per letter. And since there's a big percentage on the "Smash Time Warp", you're in the lead with over $19,000. But will you pass or solve? Kevin: $2,765 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $19,248
Post by williamlow31 on May 6, 2019 1:40:53 GMT -5
Sorry, pass
Post by romnserg on May 6, 2019 2:23:56 GMT -5
ME: I understand. So, Kevin. Let's see how you deal with. Kevin: $2,765 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $19,248
Post by koopakid17 on May 6, 2019 6:09:23 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on May 6, 2019 8:15:31 GMT -5
ME: C? There are 3 of them. (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][-][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][-][-][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP; Increase: +40%. Value: Final Spin ($1,750). Total: $2,450 per letter. Kevin is now up to $10,115. What's your next move? Solve or pass? Kevin: $10,115 David: $5,652; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $19,248
Post by koopakid17 on May 6, 2019 11:17:25 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on May 6, 2019 11:22:07 GMT -5
ME: All right. Moving on to David. Kevin: $10,115 David: $2,257; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $19,248
Post by gameboy2000 on May 6, 2019 12:20:24 GMT -5
Is there a D?
Post by romnserg on May 6, 2019 12:29:23 GMT -5
ME: Only 1 D. (Ding)SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][-][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][-][-][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP; Increase: +94%. Value: Final Spin ($1,750). Total: $3,395 per letter. You now have $5,652. What would be? Solve or Pass? Kevin: $10,115 David: $5,652; Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $19,248
Post by gameboy2000 on May 6, 2019 12:30:33 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on May 6, 2019 13:24:16 GMT -5
ME: CORRECT! (You've solved the Puzzle!)SONG TITLE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][-][-][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] (Audience applause, as I go to David's podium) In "Ralph Breaks The Internet". The song is heard, when Vanellope expressed her desire to be part of a new and exciting world outside of Sugar Rush and realizes Slaughter Race may be that world. With no vowels, that was an impressive solve from David. Another $5,652 added to your total, and for solving that puzzle, Samaritan's Purse has earned an extra $5,000 in cash! (Audience applause) and speaking of totals, here are the final scores for tonight. Total: Kevin: $32,989 (plus $5,786 for charity: Salvation Army) David: $35,735 (plus $33,989 for charity: Samaritan's Purse); Two Million Dollar Wedge, Double Play. William: $21,270 (plus $11,505 for charity: Blue Dragon) William has $21,270, and Kevin has $32,989. Those scores are really good, but with $35,735, David Barkow is our new champion! (Audience applause) Kevin, we're sorry that you won't be one step closer to book a place on the "Invictus Special", but your charity, Salvation Army has $20,569, including an extra $5,000 for finishing in 2nd place, which means that after your second run and adding tonight's winnings to the one's from yesterday, you're leaving us with... $170,671 in cash and prizes! (Audience cheers and applause) William, I'm glad that you were able to get $21,270 in cash and prizes here tonight, and your charity, Blue Dragon, has $28,205, including $2,500 for finishing in 3rd place. Not only that, we also have nice consolation prizes, just for taking part on this special episode. Let's hear it for Kevin and William! (Audience applause, as I go back to David's podium) Well, David. You're the new champion. And that translates into $35,735 in cash and prizes, while your charity, Samaritan's Purse, has $54,641, including the extra $10,000 for finishing in 1st place. If you solve the Bonus Round Puzzle, since it's a special night you could win anything from TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS up to great 6-figure cash prizes like ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Audience applause) ($100,000 Win Cue), ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Audience applause) ($125,000 Win Cue), ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Audience applause) ($150,000 Win Cue), TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Audience applause) ($200,000 Win Cue), TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Audience cheers and applause) ($250,000 Win Cue), FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Audience cheers and applause) ($500,000 Win Cue), ONE MILLION DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Audience cheers and applause) ($1,000,000 Win Cue). But thanks to Ariel and for saving her, you're playing for (I handle the Two Million Dollar Wedge): TWO MILLION DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) (Wild cheers and applause) ($2,000,000 Win Cue) "Be sure to stay tuned after the break" because when we come back, David is playing for $2,000,000! Don't you dare to go away, because the Two Million Dollar "Final Battle Round" is coming up after these messages! (Audience cheers and applause)
Post by williamlow31 on May 6, 2019 23:23:28 GMT -5
Well played David. I was hoping for you to trip up because the moment those Cs came up, I already knew it.
Post by romnserg on May 7, 2019 7:58:56 GMT -5
Pat Sajak: Welcome back to the final part of tonight's "RomnSerg's Wheel Of Fortune"! I'm here with our new champion, David Barkow, an unemployed from Virginia solved the puzzle without using any vowel on the "Boost Rush Lightning Round" and tonight has won $35,735 in cash and prizes. But in tonight's Bonus Round, it's cash all the way on this wheel. As you can see there's great sums of money on this Wheel, But that's NOT over yet, because you're playing for TWO MILLION DOLLARS! (Audience oohs) And this is it, let's start the Bonus Round aka "The Final Battle Round"! BONUS ROUND: THE FINAL BATTLE ROUND!ME: I guess there's someone in the audience holding that Two Million Dollar Wedge. Is it someone from Samaritan's Purse or any of your friends and family?
Post by gameboy2000 on May 7, 2019 8:03:50 GMT -5
They are my parents.
Post by romnserg on May 7, 2019 8:10:30 GMT -5
ME: Hello there. And we also have some representatives from the Samaritan's Purse charity, who banked over $48,000 in cash and prizes tonight. They want to see you defeating ALL Disney Villains in order to defeat them and win some cash ranging from $25,000 up in $5,000 increments to $100,000, then to $125,000, then $150,000, then $200,000, then $250,000, then $500,000 and then $1,000,000! But by carrying the Two Million Dollar Wedge. YOu're now playing for $2,000,000! And there it is: -R -O -M -N -S -E -R -G -★★★ -W -H -E -E -L -★★★ -S -P -I -N -& -W -I -N -★★★ Lily: Normally, we have cash ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 and our $250,000 Jackpot or even the Million Dollar Envelope, including three trips. Before you spin though, let me remind you that Mickey Mouse & his gang placed the 24 envelopes inside the Bonus Round Wheel. Which means that except them, no one else in this Hawaiian Casino knows where the money is, neither Sergio or me! ME: That's right, Lily. And this wheel must go around at least twice to make this spin valid. So, when you're ready David, spin that Bonus Wheel and let's see what happens! (Spin Code from 1 to 48, please)!
Post by gameboy2000 on May 7, 2019 9:21:19 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on May 7, 2019 16:23:53 GMT -5
ME: Going round and round and round the garden, like a teddy bear. But where it stops? Bah, no one knows! (Bonus Wheel Spin)(The Wheel begins to slow down...) Looks like it's a valid spin... (Stopping at...) -★ -★ -S → -S -P -P -I In honour to William, it lands on the S in SPIN. Pick that up for me, please. (Ding) (David gives me the envelope) Thank you. Let's truly hope it's either one or two million dollars. Follow me, please. Lily: (Whispering at me) Right here, Sergio. ME: (I whisper at her) Thank you, Lily (I speak normal now). OK. During the break, you have the choice of 3 categories, two of them from yesterday's show, and today's new category. David's choices are: FAMOUS PEOPLE, QUOTATION or MOVIE TITLE. The other two categories will be carried over to subsequent shows. In the meantime, David has made his decision, and he has chosen: MOVIE TITLE Let's load up the puzzle! (Category Intro) (Bonus Round RSTLNE Reveal)MOVIE TITLE RSTLNE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][R][S][T][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] Lily, let's see if there's any R, S, T, L, N and E up there in the puzzle. (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)MOVIE TITLE RSTLNE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][R][S][T][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] MOVIE TITLE RSTLNE AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] David, you must give me 3 more consonants and another vowel.
Post by gameboy2000 on May 7, 2019 16:34:56 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on May 7, 2019 16:54:43 GMT -5
ME: OK, let's see what Lily has for us. (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)MOVIE TITLE RSTLNE CDMA AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] MOVIE TITLE RSTLNE CDMA AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][-][-][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][-][-][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] For making it to the Bonus Round. You have 24 hours and 3 attempts to solve this puzzle. But I will give you an additional attempt for each Main Puzzle you've solved. You have three additional attempts for solving the puzzles from Rounds 1, 3 and 5. That means you have 6 guesses. You can think of many things as you want, but your official answer has to be CAPITALIZED, and exactly as I have it with no misspellings or any words added or deleted, as always within the time limit. Underlining, bolding, italicizing, putting exclamation and question marks are optional. But running out of time, running out of guesses or waving a white flag (in signal of surrender), whichever comes first, you'll lose. David, your 24 hours starts now. Good luck. (Bonus Round Timer)