Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 24, 2019 15:47:05 GMT -5
The actual number of women who said their husband makes a bigger mess is:
OK. Which eight of you said yes?
(8 women raise their hands)
OK, Jennifer, what is your story?
Jennifer: My husband never cleans up after himself when he cooks.
OK. Thank you ladies. It is higher, so Kourtney, you win control. You have a three showing. What would you like to do?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 24, 2019 15:49:45 GMT -5
Keep it and Go Higher!
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 24, 2019 16:14:08 GMT -5
Higher than a three?
3D 3S
Sorry, it was another three. Kevin, you now have control. You have a three which you must play. Higher or lower?
Post by koopakid17 on Mar 24, 2019 16:15:02 GMT -5
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 25, 2019 10:17:14 GMT -5
Higher than a three?
JS 3S 2C
Sorry, it was a two. So we go to sudden death and Kourtney, you get this question:
We surveyed 100 men and we asked them: Is it possible for a single woman to raise a child just as well as a married couple? How many said yes?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 25, 2019 14:23:09 GMT -5
As far as raising a child alone, it is not an easy job to do especially as a single mother. I was raised by one myself. I believe that shouldn’t matter myself. As far as men goes I am going to up the middle: 56.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 25, 2019 14:24:29 GMT -5
56 out of 100. Kevin, higher or lower?
Post by koopakid17 on Mar 25, 2019 22:16:41 GMT -5
I think it's going to be a bit higher. Single mothers have a lot on their plate juggling family and work but it gives them good work ethic all around.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 26, 2019 4:07:50 GMT -5
The actual number of men who said a single woman can raise a child as well as a married couple is:
It was lower, so Kourtney, you win control. You have a three showing and four cards left. Kevin has a three showing and three cards left. Play or pass?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 26, 2019 6:35:12 GMT -5
I am going to pass.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 26, 2019 6:56:00 GMT -5
OK. Kevin, it is your turn. You have a three showing which you must play. Higher or lower?
Post by koopakid17 on Mar 26, 2019 11:48:23 GMT -5
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 26, 2019 12:26:29 GMT -5
Higher than a three?
JS 3S 7C
Yes, a seven. Higher or lower?
Post by koopakid17 on Mar 26, 2019 20:30:23 GMT -5
Hmm... I'll try against the odds: lower!
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 27, 2019 4:27:20 GMT -5
Lower than a seven?
JS 3S 7C 9D
Sorry, it was a nine. That means Kourtney has won the match. Kevin, thanks for being here. We have some lovely parting gifts for you. We'll play the money cards right after this. Don't go away.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 27, 2019 10:43:01 GMT -5
Welcome back. Kourtney, you will now play the money cards. You get $200 to bet with and when you get to the next row, you get another $400. Minimum bets are $50 until you get to the last row where you must bet at least half of your money. You can change one card per line using one of three spare cards dealt out. We have added some jokers to the deck which give you another shot at winning a Nissan Versa. You get one joker to start with. Your first card is:
A five. You have $200. What would you like to do?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 27, 2019 14:45:10 GMT -5
Let’s go $100 higher.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 27, 2019 14:50:42 GMT -5
For $100, is it higher than a five?
5D 7S
Yes, a seven. You are up to $300. What would you like to do now?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 28, 2019 7:00:42 GMT -5
Let’s Change the 7 with number 2
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 28, 2019 8:11:57 GMT -5
The seven is now:
A joker. That give you another chance at winning the car. Now let's try that again. The seven is now:
A King. You have $300. What would you like to do?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 28, 2019 14:10:42 GMT -5
$250 lower.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 28, 2019 14:21:01 GMT -5
For $250, is it lower than a Jack?
It is another King. You stay at $300. What next?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 28, 2019 16:53:24 GMT -5
$250 lower
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 28, 2019 17:01:45 GMT -5
For $250, is it lower than a King?
Yes, a nine. You are up to $550. We will move that nine up to the next row and give you $400. You have $950 and a nine. What would you like to do?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 28, 2019 17:55:52 GMT -5
Let’s change the 9 with card three.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 28, 2019 18:44:54 GMT -5
The nine is now:
A Queen. You have $950. What would you like to do?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 28, 2019 19:20:22 GMT -5
$750 lower.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 28, 2019 19:46:38 GMT -5
For $740, is it lower than a Queen?
Yes, a Jack. You are up to $1,700. What would you like to do now?
Post by pathfinder20 on Mar 28, 2019 19:47:50 GMT -5
Let’s go 800 lower.
Post by gameboy2000 on Mar 29, 2019 4:24:43 GMT -5
For $800, is it lower than a Jack?
Yes, a nine. You are up to $2,500. What next?