Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 9:24:00 GMT -5
Could I get some R's, please? SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +95%; Value: $800. Total: $1,560. Pat Sajak: Yes, you can. And there's 2 of them! (Ding) (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][R][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] Up to $3,120. If you spin, you're free to do it. If you buy a Vowel, it will be worth more than $250 because of the Smash Time Warp. But if you solve, you must use Capital Letters or it will be treated as an incorrect response. But given the way there's a few letters. You have to spin or buy. Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $3,120
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 9:25:23 GMT -5
Hmm... I'll spin again. (40)
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 9:37:14 GMT -5
(Wheel Spin) BRONZE $1,000 BRONZE $1,000 BRONZE $1,000 JACKPOT: $12,850 ( $650) → JACKPOT: $12,850 ( $650) JACKPOT: $12,850 ( $650) $500 $500 $500SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +35%; Value: Jackpot ($1,000). Total: $1,350. Pat Sajak: Well, I don't know, but let's have a letter anyway. JACKPOT: $12,850
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 9:37:53 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 9:43:35 GMT -5
SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +35%; Value: Jackpot ($1,000). Total: $1,350. Pat Sajak: Well, I preferer not be the the bearer of good and bad news, but believe it or not, there's just a single N up there on the board. (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] Now Kevin, since you've landed on the Jackpot Wedge, it's $1,350 for each letter. Because the Smash Time Warp increased a 35% of that $1,000. If you solve right now, the Jackpot will be yours, but if you want to win it, you must use Capital Letters! So now, you're up to $4,470. What would be? Spin the wheel, buy a vowel or solve with capital letters? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $4,470
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 9:45:53 GMT -5
I'm gonna buy a vowel, an E please.
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 9:51:07 GMT -5
Pat Sajak: We finally buy a vowel. And there's 3 Es up there! (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +44%; Value: $250 (Vowel). Total: $360. As you could see, The Smash Time Warp can also be used on vowels. And those 3 Es costed you $360. But now you have $4,110. Will you spin again, buy another or solve? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $4,110
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 9:52:04 GMT -5
I'll buy another: A.
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 9:56:10 GMT -5
Pat Sajak: We use the Smash Time Warp again to buy another vowel. We have 2 As. (Ding) (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [A][B][C][D][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +44%; Value: $250 (Vowel). Total: $360. That's another $360 with these 2 As. I wonder if that machine is a little bit fixed (Audience laughs). No blabberus, down to a flat $3,750. What do you want to do now? Spin on more time, buy another or solve? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $3,750
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 10:07:11 GMT -5
I'll spin. (9)
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 10:21:48 GMT -5
(Wheel Spin)Pat Sajak: Here comes the $2,500 Golden Dollar KAMEK VAULT ( LOSE A TURN) ( $850) KAMEK VAULT ( VAULT) ( $850) KAMEK VAULT ( BANKRUPT) ( $850) GOLDEN $2,500→ GOLDEN $2,500 GOLDEN $2,500 BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPT BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPT BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPTOh, nailed it! (Audience cheers and applause)SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +22%; Value: Top Golden Dollar ($2,500). Total: $3,050. Even the Smash Time Warp only showed a 22%. That's $3,050 for each letter. Choose it wisely. JACKPOT: $15,350
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 11:01:52 GMT -5
I hope there's an H!
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 11:06:35 GMT -5
SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +22%; Value: Top Golden Dollar ($2,500). Total: $3,050. Pat Sajak: Yes. 1 H. (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] Up to $6,800. Will you spin, buy or solve? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $6,800
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 11:09:50 GMT -5
Spin again (19).
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 11:22:49 GMT -5
(Wheel Spin)Pat Sajak: Wheel, don't do that! GOLDEN $2,500 BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPT BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPT BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPT→ $650 $650 $650 WILD ( $500) WILD ( $500) SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +24%; Value: $650. Total: $796. Thank goodness. $650 and a 24% increase equals $796 per letter on that one. JACKPOT: $16,000
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 11:23:19 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 11:29:02 GMT -5
SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +24%; Value: $650. Total: $796. Pat Sajak: 3 Ls. (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] $9,188 in cold hard cash and the jackpot up to $16,000. What would be this time? Spin, buy or solve? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $9,188
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 11:31:49 GMT -5
I'll buy a vowel: U.
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 11:39:21 GMT -5
Pat Sajak: There's 3 Us. (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][U][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][-][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +86%; Value: $250 (Vowel). Total: $465. You've had a nice buy here, buy that costed you $465. Now, you're up to $8,723. What's your next move? Spin again, buy another or solve right away? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $8,723
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 11:42:20 GMT -5
I'll buy an I.
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 11:46:47 GMT -5
Pat Sajak: One, Two, Three, Four, Five Is. (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding) (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][I][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][-][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][-][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][-][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +86%; Value: $250 (Vowel). Total: $465. That's the most popular vowel in this puzzle. But it costed a little bit less than the previous one. Kevin, you're in good shape. You're up to $8,406 for yourself and of course for Salvation Army. What would be this time? Spin one more time, buy the last one or solve for more than $8,400 hanging in the balance? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $8,406
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 11:54:23 GMT -5
I may as well buy the O.
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 12:00:19 GMT -5
Pat Sajak: Only 1 O. (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][-][J][K][-][M][-][O][P][Q][-][-][-][-][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][-][J][K][-][M][-][-][P][Q][-][-][-][-][V][W][X][Y][Z] SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +90%; Value: $250 (Vowel). Total: $475. $10 more than the previous vowel. And that's the last vowel on the board. Now you have to decide if you want to spin or solve. You have $7,931 and we're looking for a THING. Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $7,931
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 12:14:22 GMT -5
I'll spin then. (43)
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 12:24:00 GMT -5
(Wheel Spin)Pat Sajak: Here it comes... $500 KAMEK VAULT ( LOSE A TURN) ( $850) KAMEK VAULT ( VAULT) ( $850) KAMEK VAULT ( BANKRUPT) ( $850) → GOLDEN $2,500 GOLDEN $2,500 GOLDEN $2,500 BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPT BOWSER SENIOR BANKRUPTIt's the Golden Dollar again! (Audience cheers and applause)SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +93%; Value: Top Golden Dollar ($2,500). Total: $4,825. And to make matters better, the $2,500 Golden Dollar increased up to a 93%! That's $4,825 for each letter. Make it count, please Kevin. JACKPOT: $18,500
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 12:26:02 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on Jan 26, 2019 12:34:06 GMT -5
SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +93%; Value: Top Golden Dollar ($2,500). Total: $4,825. Pat Sajak: Only 1 F. (Ding)THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][F][G][-][-][J][K][-][M][-][-][P][Q][-][-][-][-][V][W][X][Y][Z] THING AVAILABLE LETTERS [-][B][C][D][-][-][G][-][-][J][K][-][M][-][-][P][Q][-][-][-][-][V][W][X][Y][Z] Six "Blake Superior" of $12,750. and the Jackpot is 1500 "Blake Inferior" of $20,000. I have to ask you: Will you spin or solve? If you spin, get out from these pesky bankrupts or you'll make happy to four kidnapper's henchmen! But if you solve, don't forget to DO IT IN ALL CAPS or we go back to Vincent with $1,738. What's your move? Vincent: $1,738 Matt: $0 Kevin: $12,756
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 26, 2019 23:54:58 GMT -5
*spins* 3
Post by romnserg on Jan 27, 2019 6:17:56 GMT -5
(Wheel Spin)Pat Sajak: Stop, Stop, Stop... $550 $550 SILVER $1,500 SILVER $1,500→ SILVER $1,500 DOUBLE PLAY ( $600) DOUBLE PLAY ( $600) DOUBLE PLAY ( $600) $550The Silver Dollar! (Audience cheers and applause)SMASH TIME WARP: Increase: +28%; Value: Top Silver Dollar ($1,500). Total: $1,920. Despite the percentage increase isn't high enough. The $1,500 Silver Dollar is now worth $1,920 apiece. But please, choose wisely. JACKPOT: $20,000
Post by koopakid17 on Jan 27, 2019 18:13:20 GMT -5