Post by redrangerdude on Jun 7, 2018 21:39:48 GMT -5
52 please
Post by romnserg on Jun 8, 2018 3:11:37 GMT -5
(Spewart picks number 52) ME: Ah, Chicken Vindaloo. Does any of our players gone to India? I didn't either! ( Audience laughs). Broodals, Did any of you gone to India? (All Broodals give me thumbs up, including Spewart holding card number 52 meaning that both went to India). Enough of jokes. Lenny, get the "Double" and you will grab more than $3,000 (Actually, that would be $3,125) from each of your opponents. But, our opponents might receive more than $1,500 (That's $1,562.50 with the "1/2" card), exactly $2,500 (That's $2,500 with the "1/5"), almost $3,000 (That's $2,812.50 with the "1/10" card) or more than $6,000 (That's $6,250 with the "1/2" card). I hope those events don't happen. Is that True or Is that Fale, Spewart? Spewart: (He flips the card) Cash Card! ( Audience applause) ME: Well, that's another $500 added to your bank. That puts you with exactly $13,000. But there's still more money on the board. Including the "Double" which will put you in $26,000 and the Top King-Size Cards: One with $25,000, another with $20,000, one more with $17,500, two with $15,000, another two with $12,500 and two more with $10,000. You have three cards left in your hand: 56, 59 and 55. Which one is next? Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $7,500 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $7,500 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $7,500 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $7,500 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $13,000
Post by redrangerdude on Jun 8, 2018 6:08:30 GMT -5
59 please
Post by romnserg on Jun 8, 2018 8:12:47 GMT -5
ME: Let's see if you add something more, in six cards you only have exactly $13,000. This will change with Almost There Card 59 (Spewart picks number 59). If this is the "Double", you will add more than $3,000 each from your opponents ( $3,250 actually). But with any "Divide" card, your opponents may receive more than $1,600 each (If the "1/2" card is chosen, that's $1,625 actually), probably more than $2,500 each (If the "1/5" card is chosen, that's $2,600 actually), or it could be almost $3,000 each (If the "1/5" card is chosen, that's $2,925 actually). But, perhaps it could be any of the bastard "OOPS" cards! You don't wanna do like Anthony did, if this happens, your opponents will receive exactly $3,250 each. Spewart, did Lenny dodged any of these cards? Spewart: Lenny, you're still going slowly...(He flips the card)...but you're still building up your money! ( Audience Applause) ME: Well, Spewart's right, you're going slowly, but you have a nice $16,000 in your bank account. But the best thing it could happen to you is fiind the $25,000 card and the "Double" with your last two cards. But it's unknown, and by tje way it could contain something else. Anyway, still two cards left: 56 and 55. Which one goes first, Lenny? The one you pick will be revealed first and the other one at the end. Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $7,500 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $7,500 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $7,500 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $7,500 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $16,000
Post by redrangerdude on Jun 8, 2018 10:44:24 GMT -5
55 please
Post by romnserg on Jun 8, 2018 13:36:05 GMT -5
ME: Fire up, Five Ocean's Eleven (5x11=55) for Lenny, please. ( Audience laughs) (Spewart picks number 55) At this point, we're not having the same climax we've presenced with Antohny's hand. But if Spewart has the "Double", you may grab exactly $8,000 from your opponents, putting them into a "minus" situation ( Audience oohs). Spewart, would you please tell us if this a "Double" card or a cash card. Spewart: OK, OK, OK (He flips the card) That $12,500!!! ( Audience cheers and applause) ME: WOW, One of the Top King-Size Cards available on the board. With that one, we're now closer to $30,000 (Lenny has $28,500 into his bank). However, we have one card left: Card 56. The Eurovision Song Contest. Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $7,500 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $7,500 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $7,500 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $7,500 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $28,500 (Spewart pick number 56) Lenny, this is your 8th and final card from your hand. Last Round, Anthony lost over $50,000 with his last card. It might happen to you! But, I have to cross my fingers because I don't want a "OOPS" card or a "Divide" card. If we see the "Double", you opponents will be set into a minus and you will be in the lead with almost $60,000 (Lenny would lead with $57,000). But if it's not the "Double", we hope to see $25,000, $20,000, $17,500, $15,000, $12,500, $10,000 or other values. (I take a deep breath) Let's cross our fingers as I ask: Spewart, what does the Eurovision Song Contest have in this card? Spewart: (Gasps) CURSE YOU! ( Audience screams) (He flips the card) I HATE YOU, BOWSER! ( Audience groans louder) Monsters Inc. We have a 2319!ME: (Shocked, screaming like Darth Vader) NOOOOOOOOO! Lenny. WHAT HAVE YOU'VE DONE!? I thought you're gonna get the "zero" card. But you've gone Anthony by picking the "Oops" card and LOSING ALL YOUR MONEY IN THE FINAL CARD! ( Audience Groans) I'm sure that board is rigged, and that worries me because this might happen "Again, again"! Well, you finish in last place with almost $30,000 (Lenny has lost $28,500 actually) gone and split equally between Raymond, Kourtney, Kevin and Frank, leading them to a 4-way tie with almost $15,000 each (Actually, that's $14,625 each). Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $14,625 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $14,625 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $14,625 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $14,625 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $0 Lenny. I'm gutted to see you flunking out at the very last card. But you have a chance to get back in the game if either Raymond, Kourtney, Kevin or Frank has any "Divide" or "OOPS" cards in their hands.
Post by bowlerraymond on Jun 9, 2018 9:19:49 GMT -5
I hope it doesn’t happen to me.
Post by romnserg on Jun 9, 2018 9:32:53 GMT -5
ME: I guess Lenny's feeling bad after his bank went down to $0, doing exactly the same thing as Anthony did last round. Now I want Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po to check if the board is rigged or not. (Audience laughs). Anyway, there's only one "OOPS" remaining on the board. But now we have to keep playing as we head to Kevin's cards.
LENNY → [KEVIN] → RAYMOND → KOURTNEY → FRANK Kevin; Last Round, you've managed to build a lot of money with with just 2 cards. Mostly thanks to that $25,000 card. Do you think you have that $25,000 card again?
Post by koopakid17 on Jun 9, 2018 17:34:26 GMT -5
I certainly hope so!
Post by romnserg on Jun 9, 2018 18:39:19 GMT -5
ME: As well I do. Well, Mr. Kolsen. I didn't expected that Lenny had lost all his money a minute ago. You have to make sure that your cards contain cash or maybe one of them holds that "Double". But before revealing your three cards, let's take a look to the board and see what does remain there. 1x +$25,000 1x +$20,000 1x +$17,500 2x +$15,000 1x +$12,500 2x +$10,000 3x +$7,500 3x +$5,000 2x +$4,500 3x +$4,000 3x +$3,500 2x +$3,000 4x +$2,500 4x +$2,000 4x +$1,500 4x +$1,000 2x +$500 2x ZERO 1x X2 1x 1/2 2x 1/5 2x 1/10 1x OOPS As you can see, you have to be careful with the last "OOPS" card remaining, as well with the "1/2", "1/5" and "1/10" cards. There's also two "Zero" cards. But the "Double" is still there too. The rest of the remainig cards contain cash. Let's not waste time and let's see your three cards: 02, 06 and 49. We start with "Me and You", well "You and me" ( Audience laughs). OK, ALL OF THEM! But it's number 02 (Topper picks Number 02) That's your first card and since Lenny caught the "OOPS" card, you're tied in first place with Kourtney, Frank and Raymond with almost $15,000 each (actually $14,625 each). Hey, Topper. Does Kevin add something to his bank balance? Topper: Yes, he does (He flips the card) That's 2 Dousand 500 dolares ( Audience laughs and applause) ME: Topper, it's Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, or for short Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars! Anyway, I'm forced to correct him, but that puts Kevin in first place with more than $17,000 (Actually, Kevin is leading with $17,125). Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $14,625 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $14,625 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $17,125 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $14,625 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $0 Next card is Number 6, aka Half a dozen (Topper picks Number 06). Kevin, if this is the "Double" card, your total will go over $34,000 (Kevin's total will now go to $34,250) and you will grab more than $4,000 (That's $4,281,25) from your opponents and put Lenny into a minus. Topper, does the "Half a dozen" hold the "Double" inside? Topper: No, it isn't ( Audience groans) (He flips the card) But it's a nice cash card! ( Audience cheers and applause) ME: You're right, Topper. That's such a nice amount, $7,500. Kevin, up to this point your total is closer to $25,000 (Kevin's actual total is $24,625). Find the "Double" card and you will be near the $50,000 mark (That would be an actual score of $49,250), you would leave your opponents with a little over $8,000 (Actually, three of them would get $8,468.75) and Lenny would end up into a minus situation since he has no money! Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $14,625 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $14,625 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $24,625 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $14,625 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $0 We have one card remaining on the board and that's the one called seven squared, number 49! (Topper pick number 49). Kevin, it's time for you to cross your fingers, because this card would cut to half your winnings, divide them by five, decimate your total or lose everything! ( Audience groans). But if you avoid these cards, you may add up to $25,000 or double your bank! ( Audience cheers and applause). Topper, did Kevin dodged any "Divide" or "OOPS" card? Topper: Kevin...(He flips the card)...YOU'VE DID IT! ( Audience cheers and applause) I've caught another 15 Dousand Dolares! ( Audience laughs) ME: (Clearing my throat) Topper. It's FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. But you're right to say that Kevin managed to survive from the "1/2", "1/5", "1/10" or "OOPS" cards. That's one of our Top King-Size cards: $15,000. This will be added into his bank and Kevin remains in first place with almost $40,000 (Kevin's bank has actually $39,625)! Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $14,625 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $14,625 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $39,625 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $14,625 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $0 Well, Kevin. I have to say that's really amazing, because once again with a few cards, you've banked a lot of money. That's a little bit lower than your previous dealing, but you're now in a fantastic first place with almost $40,000 (It's actually $39,625). How do you feel?
Post by koopakid17 on Jun 9, 2018 19:05:34 GMT -5
Post by romnserg on Jun 9, 2018 19:27:36 GMT -5
ME: I'm agree with you. Well, let's see if you keep the lead. But now it's time to find out if the cards will be nice to Raymond, because he's next! LENNY → KEVIN → [RAYMOND] → KOURTNEY → FRANK Raymond. Last time, you've didn't done well, but you've managed to survive from elimination with just one card. Now, you've done much better since you've collected four cards. Do you think you will outsmart Kevin who has almost $40,000 (Actually, Kevin's personal bank has $39,625)?
Post by bowlerraymond on Jun 10, 2018 5:40:26 GMT -5
I will certainty try to.
Post by romnserg on Jun 10, 2018 11:50:03 GMT -5
ME: Yes, you should. Well, you've managed to survive from elimination with just one card. But now you've done pretty better this time. You've got four cards in your hand. Number 22, number 14, Number 13 and number 35. But before playing them, we're about to take a quick look to the board: 1x +$25,000 1x +$20,000 1x +$17,500 1x +$15,000 1x +$12,500 2x +$10,000 2x +$7,500 3x +$5,000 2x +$4,500 3x +$4,000 3x +$3,500 2x +$3,000 3x +$2,500 4x +$2,000 4x +$1,500 4x +$1,000 2x +$500 2x ZERO 1x X2 1x 1/2 2x 1/5 2x 1/10 1x OOPS You need the "Double" in order to put Lenny in a panned figure (Audience laughs, since I was referring to a negative score). But you have to avoid both "1/2", "1/5" and "1/10" cards, because it will divide your score by 2, 5 or 10. And specially the "OOPS" cards, because you will lose all your money and that will be split equally between your 4 opponents. The rest of the cards are cash cards, it could contain up to $25,000. Well, let's start with the "Two Little Lucky Ducks", number 22. (Hariet picks number 22). Raymond, alongside Kourtney and Frank, you're tied with almost $15,000 each (Actually, it's a 3-way tie for $14,625). The cash cards might not be useful to take the lead, but it will to close the gap between you and Kevin. Hariet, what's inside that first card? Hariet: Raymond...(She flips the card) (Gasps) BAD NEWS! ( Audience groans) Monsters Inc. We have a 2319!ME: Madre Mia. We have another 23-19! What a disaster, Raymond! Your bank has been decimated! And that puts you in last place with almost a measly $1,500 (Actually Raymond's score has just dropped to $1,462.50). And that's not all! Lenny is back in the game with more than $3,000 (Lenny now has $3,290.63) and Kevin now has over $40,000 (Kevin's score is $42,915.62). But it's not over, you have three cards remaining in your hand and anything can happen, next card is number 14 Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $1,462.50 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $17,915.63 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $42,915.62 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $17,915.62 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $3,290.63 (Hariet picks number 14) That "1/10" dropped your score back to almost $1,500, right now you have to build up your cash to get back. The only cash cards which allows you to pull out is from $2,000 up to $25,000, even Hariet, what's inside number 14? Hariet: Sergio...(she flips the card)...It's a cash card! (Audience applause) ME: It's OK, we add $2,000 into your bank, and now it's Lenny who trails you by a mere difference of almost $200 (The actual difference is $171.87). We need to continue as we go ahead to the unlucky 13 dead end drive. Number 13! Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $3,462.50 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $17,915.63 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $42,915.62 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $17,915.62 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $3,290.63 (Hariet picks number 13) 13; unlucky for some people, but lucky for other people. Well , I wonder if any of the Broodals Because you're holding the card known as 12 plus one. Is this good, bad or neutral. Show me the card, Hariet! Hariet: The Unlucky 13 Dead End Drive...(She flips the card)...IT'S SO LUCKY! ( Audience applause) ME: WOW! That's a great amount for an unlucky number, Raymond! You've just added $7,500 and it goes into your bank which now has almost $11,000 (Actually, Raymond's bank has $10,962.50). But, there's only one card remaining over there. It's all about a dance step. But it's not "Kick and flicks", it's actually "Jump and jive". Number 35. Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $10,962.50 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $17,915.63 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $42,915.62 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $17,915.62 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $3,290.63 (Hariet picks number 35) Raymond, if you manage to get a cash card, you can collect up to $25,000. If you get the "Double", you will grab almost $3,000 (Actually, Raymond would grab $2,740.62) from each of your opponents; Meaning that Kevin with drop to a little bit more than $40,000 mark (If this happens, that would be $40,174.37) and you will leave Lenny with just more than $500 ( $550 actually). Hariet, is this a good one, or maybe a bad one? Hariet: Sergio...(She flips the card)...Raymond adds another $4,000! ME: All right. That was Raymond's final card, that one is a cash card, he adds $4,000, that puts jim him with almost $15,000 (Now, Raymond's bank balance has $14,962.50), but he trails Kourtney and Frank by almost $3,000 (The actual difference is $2,953.13) but the difference between him and Kevin is almost $30,000 (Actually, the difference between Raymond and Kevin is $27,953.12)! Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $14,962.50 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $17,915.63 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $42,915.62 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $17,915.62 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $3,290.63 Well Raymond, that dealing was a rollercoaster for you. You've started losing the 90% of your winnings with the first card due to that "1/10" card, but then you've recovered and you've ended up with almost $15,000 (Actually, Raymond has scored $14,962.50). What do you have to say?
Post by bowlerraymond on Jun 10, 2018 12:46:31 GMT -5
It’s better to be lucky then good.
Post by romnserg on Jun 10, 2018 13:09:51 GMT -5
ME: However, you're not qualified yet. We have two players left to reveal their hands. They have the same number of cards. But there's someone who buzzed-in with the correct answer after you, that's Kourtney.
LENNY → KEVIN → RAYMOND → [KOURTNEY] → FRANK Kourtney, in this round you have 4 cards, while last round you only had 3, but with these three cards you've almost bank $40,000 (Kourtney banked $37,200 in Round 1, but his actual score in that round was $37,216). Do you think you can do much better than Kevin, who's in the lead?
Post by pathfinder20 on Jun 10, 2018 18:47:05 GMT -5
I have a running start but it is up to the cards.
Post by romnserg on Jun 11, 2018 4:52:33 GMT -5
ME: NOT your cards, your 4 cards. but before revealing them, see what does contain inside and how much do you win, let's take a look to our board, because there's something which remains there: 1x +$25,000 1x +$20,000 1x +$17,500 1x +$15,000 1x +$12,500 2x +$10,000 2x +$7,500 3x +$5,000 2x +$4,500 3x +$4,000 3x +$3,500 2x +$3,000 3x +$2,500 4x +$2,000 4x +$1,500 4x +$1,000 2x +$500 2x ZERO 1x X2 1x 1/2 2x 1/5 1x 1/10 1x OOPS There's still one "OOPS" card, 1 "1/10" card, 2 "1/5" card, 1 "1/2" card, 1 "Double" card, and 2 "ZERO" cards. The other cards contain cash: one of them has $25,000, another with $20,000, another with $17,500, one more with $15,000, another with $12,500, one more with $10,000 and from $500 all the way up to $7,500. Let's see your hand: 34, 08, 19, 45. Let's go with the Double Dancing Queen ( Audience laughs), because 17 times 2 equals to 34, ( Audience laughs, for the second time). Well, let's reveal it! (Rango picks number 34). Kourtney, you have almost $18,000 (Actually, Kourtney has $17,915.63 into his bank account), the only card which allows you to draw level with Kevin is $25,000. Rango, is this the one? Rango: Let's wait and see...(He flips the card)...Oh, Dear! ( Audience groans) ME: Ugh, not $25,000, but at least $4,000 will be added into your bank. And now, you're closer to $22,000 (Kourtney now has $21,915.63). At this point, you have three cards left. But right now, the next one to be revealed is Number 08. Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $14,962.50 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $21,915.63 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $42,915.62 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $17,915.62 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $3,290.63 (Rango picks Number 08). Kourtney, the only card which will let you to take the lead are "Double" which will put you with almost $44,000 (Actually, Kourtney would take the lead with $43,831.26); or the $25,000 one which will put you with almost $47,000 (Actually, Kourtney would have $46,915.63). Rango, show us number 8! Rango: OK, (He flips the card) NO WAY! ( Audience groans) Monsters Inc. We have a 2319!ME: Ouch; Stop these 23-19 between us! Unfortunately for you Kourtney, your winnings have been divided by 5. That drops you to the last place with over $4,000 (Kourtney, you've gone from $21,915.63 to $4,383.13)! But you're able to recover because you have 2 cards left. Let's see the next card, that's number 19. Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $19,345,63 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $4,383.13 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $47,298.74 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $22,298,74 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $7,673.76 (Rango picks number 19) OK, I don't want any "OOPS" or "Divide" cards. Because your bank balance is really bad. So, you have to build up your cash to recover. So, flip it, Rango! Rango: Well, he recovers something (He flips the card) by adding $5,000 ( Audience applause). ME: Well, Kourtney. You're back in the game, but Lenny trails you by almost $2,000 (The actual difference between these two is $1,709.37) . You have to be careful with those "Divide" and "OOPS" cards. Because those cards may kick you out of the game. But now, it's time to flip your last card: Number 45. Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $19,345,63 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $9,383.13 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $47,298.74 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $22,298,74 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $7,673.76 (Rango picks Number 45) At this point, you need a cash card to stay alive, although a "Zero" may be possible. Rango, we need to cross our fingers because Kourtney wants to continue. Rango: (He flips the card), it's a cash card, $1,000 ( Audience applause) ME: It's OK; You're still in. If we add that $1,000, this puts you with over $10,000 (Kourtney's actual score is $10,383.13) But you're now behind Raymond, Frank and Kevin. Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $19,345,63 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $9,383.13 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $47,298.74 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $22,298,74 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $7,673.76 Kourtney, you could had been closer to $28,000, but now you've ended up with less than that. Blame it on the "1/5" card.
Post by pathfinder20 on Jun 11, 2018 6:22:36 GMT -5
It happens but at least I recovered nicely.
Post by romnserg on Jun 11, 2018 8:50:41 GMT -5
ME: Now, let me remind you that at the end of the Round, someone will be forced to join Anthony in the "Loser's Chamber" ( Audience groans). But that person will get a chance of redemption at the end of the round ( Audience cheers and applause). We have to go to the last player to reveal his hand, that's someone who banked the most money at the end of Round 1. That's Frank. LENNY → KEVIN → RAYMOND → KOURTNEY → [FRANK] Frank. Last round, you've banked more than $60,000 (Frank banked the most money in Round 1 with $62,700) with 5 cards, but in this round you have 4 cards. Are you able to bank more money than in Round 1?
Post by fdriscoll22 on Jun 11, 2018 11:15:41 GMT -5
I hope so. Let’s find out!
Post by romnserg on Jun 11, 2018 16:18:58 GMT -5
ME: It seems that you're ready. Well, due to Lenny's winnings been reset down to zero by picking an "OOPS" card; Raymond's bank account been decimated and Kourney's score divided by five. You're on good form. But we have 4 card which can make or break you. But before moving on to your cards. Let's take a final look to our board: 1x +$25,000 1x +$20,000 1x +$17,500 1x +$15,000 1x +$12,500 2x +$10,000 2x +$7,500 2x +$5,000 2x +$4,500 2x +$4,000 3x +$3,500 2x +$3,000 3x +$2,500 4x +$2,000 4x +$1,500 3x +$1,000 2x +$500 2x ZERO 1x X2 1x 1/2 1x 1/5 1x 1/10 1x OOPS There's still one card each with $25,000, one of these with $20,000, one more with $17,500, another with $15,000, another with $12,500 and 2 with $10,000. But the "Double" is still to be claimed. And you have to avoid both "1/2", "1/5" and "1/10" card, and also both "OOPS" cards. Let's see your hand: 05, 33, 24 and 50. Let's start with "Dead or Alive", number 05. (Spewart picks number 05). By coincidence, the only card available to draw level with Kevin is $25,000, the other cards will trail you, the "Double" among them. What's inside Card 05, Spewart? Spewart: (He flips the card): Cash card! ME: Well, $2,000 going into your bank, that puts you with more than $24,000 (Frank is second with $24,298.74) and now you trail Kevin, by exactly $17,000. But, we have to keep it up, let's go for "All threes": Card number 33, fire up! Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $19,345,63 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $9,383.13 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $47,298.74 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $24,298,74 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $7,673.76 (Spewart picks number 33) You can do it, Frank. But of course, I don't want to see you having an "OOPS" card like Lenny, or been decimated like Raymond, or been divided by 5 like Kourtney, neither cut to half; But you need a cash card to get closer to Kevin. Spewart, does Frank going to close the gap? Spewart: Let's go...(He flips the card)...$3,000! ME: It's OK, more money which serves to close the gap, but you're still behind Kevin, even the difference is still exact, you're $20,000 behind him. However, you're closer to $30,000 (Frank is doing pretty well, he banked $27,298.74). Now, it's two cards left, we have to flip number 24! Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $19,345,63 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $9,383.13 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $47,298.74 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $27,298,74 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $7,673.76 (Spewart picks number 24) Since you're exactly $20,000 away from Kevin. If you grab the $20,000 Top King-Size Card, you'll draw level with Kevin. If you grab that $25,000 Top King-Size Card, you'll lead by exactly $5,000. But be careful, because any "1/2", "1/5", "1/10" or "OOPS" standing in your way will result for you in disaster. Therefore, driving Lenny into safety. Is this sucess or failure, Spewart? Spewart: (He flips the card) Sucess! ( Audience applause) but he's still second. ( Audience groans, then applause since it's a good card) ME: Well, Frank is still closing the gap between him and Kevin, the difference is now exactly $15,000. But even you still have more than $30,000 (Frank has $32,298.74 with that card), it's not over yet, until we flip the last card of the round. That's "Bullseye!" Number 50! Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $19,345,63 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $9,383.13 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $47,298.74 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $32,298,74 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $7,673.76 (Spewart picks Number 50) If you get a cash card, the only ones who allows you to take the lead by a split second are $17,500, $20,000 and $25,000, pick $17,500 and you will draw level with Kevin, but if you get something from $15,000 to $500 or even "Zero", "Divide" or "OOPS" card, and the winner will be Kevin. This card marks the end of Round 2. Who's will be the best of this round? Is it Frank or Is it Kevin? Spewart...show to the audience...and the viewers at home...WHO IT IS! Spewart: Drum roll, please...( Drum roll)...IT'S...KEVIN!!! ( Audience applause) ME: OH, so close, Frank. But it's not enough to beat Kevin, anyway to sweet that defeat we add $10,000 to your bank account and you now have more than $40,000 (Frank's final total is $42,298,74) Player 2: RAYMOND Bank: $19,345,63 Player 3: KOURTNEY Bank: $9,383.13 Player 4: KEVIN Bank: $47,298.74 Player 5: FRANK Bank: $42,298,74 Player 6: LENNY Bank: $7,673.76 Frank, you must be gutted for failing to beat a strong opponent like Kevin by $5,000, but you must be delighted to advance to the next round because you're one of our Top 3-scoring players of this round.
Post by fdriscoll22 on Jun 11, 2018 16:41:28 GMT -5
I am. I’m glad I didn’t hit any penalty cards.
Post by romnserg on Jun 11, 2018 19:02:03 GMT -5
ME: I'm sure anyone has other names for these "Baddie" cards (Audience oohs). Well, before revealing the ranking. Topper, Hariet, Spewart and Rango have to flip the remaining cards. The "Double" has gone from number 39 to number 29. The $25,000 Diamond King-Size Card is hidden on number 25 itself! Number 32 had $20,000 Platinum King Size-Card, the $17,500 Golden King-Size Card was attached on "Ocean's Eleven" Number 11; Number 57 had the $15,000 Silver King-Size Card, while both $12,500 Bronze King-Size Cards were attached on numbers 28 and 55 and the remaining $10,000 Top King-Size Card was hidden on number 44. And the "Penalty Cards", according to Frank; The remaining "OOPS" card was attached on Number 10 other "1/10" card was inside Number 04, the remaining "1/5" card was inside the dozen, number 12, and the "1/2" card was inside the "Dancing Queen", number 17. Just like we did last time, It's time to round their winnings to the nearest $100 and take a quick look to our ranking and I can now tell you that 1st place goes to Kevin with more than $47,000 in his bank; Close and very close he's followed by Frank who's in 2nd with more than $43,000; Then, Raymond is 3rd with a little more than $19,000; Next, kourtney with more than $9,000; And finally Lenny with more than $8,000, which means that at the end of Round 2. Frank, Kevin, Kourtney and Raymond have breezed through to the next round! ( Audience cheers and applause) - Raymond: $19,345.63 → $19,300; <$24,200 + $19,300> = $43,500
- Kourtney: $9,383.13 → $9,400; <$37,200 + $9,400> = $46,600
- Kevin: $47,298.74 → $47,300; <$47,700 + $47,300> = $95,000
- Frank: $42,298.74 → $42,300; <$62,700 + $42,300> = $105,000
- Lenny: $7,673.76 → $7,700; <$11,500 + $7,700> = $19,200
The one who ran out of luck is Lenny, because he's done really well in this Round, but that "OOPS" card stood on his way and he's eliminated! ( Audience groans). And do you know how painfully close you were of picking one of the Top King-Size Cards? Your overall Personal Bank is gone. But of course, you will not be leaving with nothing because in addition to the HP Spectre x360 laptop and whatever you win in the Bonus Round (If you manage to redeem yourself in the Final Game), we have nice consolation prizes backstage. However, it's NOT over for you yet! Because you will join Anthony in the "Loser's Chamber" to follow the rest of the show ( Audience oohs) But now, let's give a round of applause for Lenny Jackson aka redrangerdude! ( Audience cheers and applause, as Lenny goes up on the Dup Dup to the Loser's Chamber). Lenny will be reunited with Anthony as he's on the way to the Loser's Chamber through the Dup Dup. However, our players have to stay tuned for more surprises because when we come back. Frank, Kevin, Kourtney and Raymond will be ready to play Round 3 right after the break! ( Audience cheers and applause) ( Fade to commercial)
Post by romnserg on Jun 12, 2018 9:59:45 GMT -5
( Audience cheers and applause) TAILS: Welcome back to "Cardiators: LIVE"... LUIGI: ...Here's once again... LUIGI & TAILS: ...SERGIO ROMAN! ME: Thank you very much. Four players remain, we go ahead to Round 3. ROUND 3: QUESTION TIME!( Cardiators Question Round Intro) ( Boxing Ring Bell) ME: Kevin, Raymond, Kourtney, Frank, well done. You've made it through to Round 3! I'm allowed to tell you that between the four of you, you've amassed more than $290,000 (In fact, they have a collective amount of $290,190.24))! ( Audience applause) But, if we add Anthony and Lenny's scores, you would had accumulated, more than $310,000 (Between the six players, they've would had amassed exactly $313,000) ( Audience oohs). Now, four of you are keep playing, we take away another 15 seconds from the time, and one card less during the Dealing Round. But as always, one of you must leave at the end of the Round. Cappy, we still have the same rules for this round. ( Cappy explaining the rules) CAPPY: Thank you, Sergio. This is Round 3; Right now, our players now have 2 minutes 30 seconds on the clock to answer many questions as possible, and during the reveal there will be 58 cards. We always start each round by giving a free card for their hand and $7,500 in their bank. ( Cha-Ching!) Player 2: RAYMOND Cards: 1+0 Bank: $7,500 Player 3: KOURTNEY Cards: 1+0 Bank: $7,500 Player 4: KEVIN Cards: 1+0 Bank: $7,500 Player 5: FRANK Cards: 1+0 Bank: $7,500
CAPPY: Remember: Correct answers will give you a card, and wrong answers will lock you out. The questions will end once we've run out of time or one of you holds 8 cards on it's hand, after answering seven questions correctly! And whoever has the most correct answers will receive a prize, that's theirs to keep no matter what happens! (Audience applause). Sergio, it's time to play. ME: Thanks, Cappy. So, I've got the questions, let's put 2 minutes 30 seconds on the clock, please. TIME: 02:30,00 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+0 KEVIN: 1+0 FRANK: 1+0
Your time starts now!
Post by romnserg on Jun 14, 2018 5:40:54 GMT -5
(Cardiators Question Round)1_How old was Victoria when she became Queen? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kourtney? Kourtney: 25 Oh! She was 18. That locks you out, Kourtney. TIME: 02:21,86 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+0 KEVIN: 1+0 FRANK: 1+0 2_On children's TV, the Tiddlytubbies are baby what? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Frank? Frank: Teletubbies Yay! And Kourtney is back in play. TIME: 02:14,51 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+0 KEVIN: 1+0 FRANK: 1+1 3_Which is usually measured by an anemometer? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kevin? Kevin: Wind Speed I'll accept. TIME: 02:08,54 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+0 KEVIN: 1+1 FRANK: 1+1 4_Which European country defeated the United States from the 2014 FIFA World Cup? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kourtney? Kourtney: Germany It's Belgium. Two minutes left and Kourtney, you're locked out again. TIME: 01:57,90 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+0 KEVIN: 1+1 FRANK: 1+1 5_Alesha Dixon was a singer from what British girlband? (5-second silence)PAULINE: Time's Up! Correct Answer is Mis-Teeq. Kourtney is back in play. TIME: 01:46,19 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+0 KEVIN: 1+1 FRANK: 1+1 6_In which 1980's blockbuster film do we hear the phrase "Phone Home"? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kevin? Kevin: E.T. That's the one! TIME: 01:39,16 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+0 KEVIN: 1+2 FRANK: 1+1 7_Andrea Corr is known from being a member from what Irish band? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kourtney? Kourtney: The Corrs Correct! TIME: 01:32,59 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+1 KEVIN: 1+2 FRANK: 1+1 8_In the title of the musical, what girl's name comes before "Queen of the Desert"? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Frank? Frank: Priscilla You're Right! TIME: 01:25,70 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+1 KEVIN: 1+2 FRANK: 1+2 9_What was the roman name for the greek godess Persephone? (5-second silence)PAULINE: Time's up. Correct Answer is Proserpina TIME: 01:14,41 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+1 KEVIN: 1+2 FRANK: 1+2 10_What type of musical instrument is a dulcimer? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kevin? Kevin: Organ It's actually string. Kevin, you're locked out. TIME: 01:07,74 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+1 KEVIN: 1+2 FRANK: 1+2 11_Steve McQueen played a fire chief in what 1974 film? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kourtney? Kourtney: The Towering Inferno Indeed! One minute left, and Kevin is back in play. TIME: 00:58,75 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+2 FRANK: 1+2 12_In which country did the tango originate? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Frank? Frank: Argentina SI! (In Spanish and with Argentine accent) ( Audience laughs) TIME: 00:53,37 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+2 FRANK: 1+3 13_Who wrote the children's novel "Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang"? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kevin? Kevin: Ian Fleming Correct! TIME: 00:47,74 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+3 FRANK: 1+3 14_Arthur Wynne is the inventor of what pasttime? (5-second silence)PAULINE: Time's Up! Correct Answer is Crossword. TIME: 00:37,22 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+3 FRANK: 1+3 15_Which sign of the zodiac is a "Water sign"? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kevin? Kevin: Aquarius Wrong! Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer. Kevin, i'm afraid that you're locked out and it's less than 30 seconds left! TIME: 00:26,10 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+3 FRANK: 1+3 16_Which member of the Monty Python wrote the stage musical "Spamalot"? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Kourtney? Kourtney: Terry Gilliam. Oh, no! It's actually Eric Idle. Kourtney is locked out again, but Kevin is back in play. TIME: 00:14,45 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+3 FRANK: 1+3 17_What's the meaning of the Italian phrase "Buongiorno"? ( Buzz-In!) PAULINE: Frank? Frank: Good Morning. Giusto! (With Italian accent) (Audience laughs) We're almost done! TIME: 00:08,10 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+3 FRANK: 1+4 Audience: (chanting, while I was asking the final question) Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, ZERO! 18_Marc Bolan was the lead singer of which group? (5-second silence)PAULINE: Time's Up! Round's Over! That would've been T.Rex (That's the end of the Round!)TIME: 00:00,00 RAYMOND: 1+0 KOURTNEY: 1+2 KEVIN: 1+3 FRANK: 1+4 Well, what a question round that was! The bad news is: This the worst round i've ever preseced on any "Cardiators" format! ( Audience groans) And to make things unfair: Embarrasment suffered whilist "In riguroso directo" ( Audience laughs, since I was referring to embarrased whilist LIVE) in a Prèmiere Episode and here in the USA! Not only, nobody managed to get the full hand this time, but also you've didn't knew three questions, Raymond spent the entire round silent for the second time and Kourtney and Kevin answered five questions incorrectly! But if there's good news though: Frank is the only one who survived from this embarrasement, since got the most correct answers in this First Part of Round 3! ( Audience cheers and applause) Mr. Driscoll, Are you looking forward to see the Broodals ready with their cards?
Post by fdriscoll22 on Jun 14, 2018 11:40:15 GMT -5
I guess so.
Post by romnserg on Jun 14, 2018 17:24:43 GMT -5
ME: And you've buzzed-in with the correct answer all the time (That means, since the game began), something that Anthony did as well! And guess what you've won by answering the most correct answers? It's A PRIZE! Peach, Amy. You know there's something that Frank won. Show us the details! (Cardiators Prize Cue)PEACH: Sergio, it's the Apple Watch Series 3 Hermès, built in GPS and electronic SIM. It might be little, but it's useful to make calls, send texts, stream music, set reminders and get notifications from your favorite app–all with just your watch which also includes heart rate sensor, altimeter, accelerometer, and gyroscope, direct fire speaker and microphone. AMY: And it's also resistant to water up to 164 feet (equal to 50 metres), it can be used for shallow-water activities like swimming in a pool or ocean. With this amazing smart watch, you can stay connected while leaving your IPhone behind. This prize is worth: PEACH & AMY: $1,950! (Audience applause) ME: Frank, my friend. if you have and iPhone 6 or later with iOS 11 or later, i'm sure you will enjoy it because it's yours to keep, regardless of the outcome. And like Anthony and Lenny did in the previous rounds, now it's your turn to reveal your cards in the order you like, while Kourtney, Kevin and Raymond have to do it in the order they choose. Because it's time to bring back the Broodals and alongside them our king-size cards of fate! ( Audience applause, as a 58 number board appears, as Hariet, Rango, Spewart and Topper are put in their positions) 1x +$25,000 1x +$20,000 1x +$17,500 2x +$15,000 2x +$12,500 2x +$10,000 3x +$7,500 3x +$5,000 3x +$4,500 3x +$4,000 3x +$3,500 3x +$3,000 4x +$2,500 4x +$2,000 4x +$1,500 4x +$1,000 4x +$500 4x ZERO 1x X2 1x 1/2 1x 1/5 2x 1/10 2x OOPS ME: Oki, doki. We have another $250,000 in cold hard cash at stake ( Audience cheers and applause). But since there's no "Full Hand", which means no one has 8 cards. But at least one of you will have the chance to play for a maximum potential score which it might be more or less than $100,000. Guys, if at least two of you hold the same card, we have to go to a Non-Multiple Toss Up Question to see who will keep that card and who will pick another card. When the players are ready to reveal their hands, we will start with the first player who buzzed-in with the correct answer and ending with the last one. And here's how the Question Round ended: 1st: Frank: 5 cards (In the Dealing, he will go first) 2nd: Kevin: 4 cards (In the Dealing, he will go second). 3rd: Kourtney: 3 cards (In the Dealing, he will go third). 4th: Raymond: 1 card (In the Dealing, he will go fourth). It's time to make up your selections...NOW! (You have 24 hours to PM that number from 1 to 58)
Post by romnserg on Jun 20, 2018 9:07:53 GMT -5
Super Mario Odyssey: Run, Jump, Throw! 2ME: Has everybody chosen their cards? All Players: Yeah! ME: In a few moments you will reveal your cards. But I have to remind you that any amount attached on each cash card will be added into your Bank which currently has for each player (Cha-Ching!): $7,500! (Audience applause). You have to remember, if you pick the "DOUBLE" card, something that none of our today's players done so far, you will double your score! (Wild cheers and applause). And to make things better, you will grab an equal amount from your opponents! (Audience oohs) But, you must be careful with the "Divide" & "OOPS" cards! If you pick a "Divide" card, your winnings will be either divided by 2, 5 or 10! (Audience groans), but picking the "OOPS" cards will result of LOSING ALL YOUR MONEY! (Audience groans). In any case, any money lost will be split between your opponents (Audience oohs). Well, as always; Whoever has the least amount of cash at the end of the dealing, will join Anthony & Lenny in the "Loser's Chamber"! (Audience groans) However, that person may receive some consolation cash on the Final Round. (Audience applause). Ok, Let's see what cards are picked! Now, it's time for Peach and Amy to tell what cards are these. Peach will tell the name of the player, and Amy will say what cards did each player picked. Let's do it, girls! PEACH: Frank has picked... AMY: ...cards 08, 19, 25, 33 and 56. PEACH: Kevin has picked... AMY: ...cards 11, 22, 31 and 43. PEACH: Kourtney has picked... AMY: ...cards 02, 34 and 18. PEACH: Raymond has picked... AMY: ...card 50. (Audience applause)ME: Thank You. Peach & Amy. I hope someone has life-changing amounts in their cards. But before that, I can reveal that everybody has different cards. We're about to see who deserves to make it into the next round and who's forced to leave the game, it's time for the third card dealing! ROUND 3: DEALING TIME!(Cardiators Dealing Round Intro) (Boxing Ring Bell)Once again, we have one card less on the board, but there's four contestants, hoping to build up their banks. This time around, we start with Frank who buzzed in with the correct answer first and we end with Raymond who failed to answer anything! And viewers will ask: "What happened with Kourtney and Kevin". My answer is: Cappy! (Cappy explaining the rules)CAPPY: Sergio, this part worries me because Anthony got the most correct answers, but an "OOPS!" card kicked him out from the game, even though he went second; But that thing happened to Lenny as well, and he went first. I hope it doesn't happen to Frank, who goes first, by buzzing-in with the first correct answer, but he also gets the advantage of picking his cards in the order he wants, because he got the most correct answers; Then we go to Kevin, Later it's Kourtney's turn; and Raymond. Since the ilustration is shown on the bottom of your screen. Sergio, back to you and also Frank Driscoll. [FRANK] → KEVIN → KOURTNEY → RAYMOND ME: You're right, Cappy. We start the card dealing with Frank. Can I tell you something Frank? You are the player with the most money overall in your "Personal Bank" at this point of the game! (In Round 1, Frank got $62,700, but he actually banked $62,716.00; while in Round 2, he got $42,300, but Frank actually banked $42,298.74. Meaning that throught these two rounds, Frank's total is $105,000. But his real bank is $105,014.74). (Wild cheers and applause). Frank. Does that information put you under pressure or feel a little more confident?
Post by fdriscoll22 on Jun 20, 2018 10:36:17 GMT -5
I am a bit confident. I just hope I can score enough in this round to hopefully keep the lead.